Website Builder for Nonprofits — Nonprofit Websites

Nonprofit Websites
5 min readFeb 26, 2021

These days, an online presence is an advantage. For nonprofit organizations, websites help amplify their fundraising efforts.

Potential donors will wander around your website. It is where they’ll learn about your organization and its mission. Knowing your cause will get them to decide if they’ll support you and contribute by being a volunteer or a donor.

For you to achieve that, you will need a website with advanced features. A website that will transport the values of your organization. Delivering them to the intended audiences to encourage support and donations.

With all the available options, it could be confusing to choose the best for your nonprofit.

To help you, we provide a list of the best website builder for nonprofits. Here, we aim to help you get through the never-ending quest between the best for your nonprofit.


I bet you have already heard about Wix. Wix ads have been circulating on social media and it is one of the most popular website builders at the moment. To go further, let us dig into the software’s features and basic pricing.


Wix features a drag-and-drop interface and lots of stunning templates. They provide custom domains for your website to have personalized domain names. They also have an amazing SEO wizard that lets you rank well on search engines. And of course, they offer mobile-friendly websites.


Wix premium plans range from $4.50 up to $24.50 per month. The Connect Domain is for basic use for $4.50 per month and this displays Wix ads. The Combo plan is $8.50 per month good for personal use. The Unlimited Plan is for entrepreneurs and freelancers for $12.50 per month. While the VIP is $24.50 per month offering priority support.


Squarespace is known for its excellent website designs. They use simple tools to better showcase great ideas. With all the templates they have, they can surely help you create the best website for your nonprofit.


Squarespace templates are customizable templates that you can customize to fit your nonprofit. You can also customize the pages and content layouts according to your preference. They feature a drag-and-drop interface for you to easily customize the website.


Squarespace plans range from $12 up to $40 per month. The Personal plan is $12 per month for basic sites with one or two contributors. The Business plan is $18 per month and it is the most popular plan among their four premium plans. Their Commerce plan comes in two structures, the Basic and Advanced. The Basic plan which is $26 per month is good for small businesses and eCommerce retailers. While the Advanced plan is for larger eCommerce. It is for websites that need advanced integrations for marketing for $40 per month.


Weebly is known as the best for on-site interaction. For nonprofit organizations that emphasize interaction for their website, Weebly is the choice. They’ll help you build a website that highlights interaction for your organization.


Weebly features an easy-to-use interface and built-in social media integrations. This allows users to easily share photos, events, and contents from your site with just a click of a button. They also feature a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. It is for the easy creation of visually appealing websites.


Weebly has four plans ranging from $0 up to $25 per month. The Free plan is good for basic use. The Personal plan is $5 per month where you can connect to a domain. The Professional plan which is $12 per month is good for groups and organizations. And the Business plan at $25 per month is good for small businesses and stores.


WordPress is known as the best website builder for content creation. For nonprofit organizations that do much of blog posts and photos, WordPress is the one for you.

WordPress offers a wide range of plugins including the most essential features. WordPress is among the web’s leading content management system platforms.

Our team has been using the WordPress content management system. We love it that WordPress offers thousands of amazing nonprofit themes. With WordPress, we can design and develop websites based on the nonprofit’s branding and design preferences.


WordPress offers simplicity, flexibility, publish with ease, and publishing tools for easy management of content. It also features user management, media management, and full standards compliance for compatibility in today’s browser.

It features an easy theme system where you can choose on their default themes or upload your own theme. They also have this extension with plugins feature where you can add plugins for the features that are not in the WordPress core. The built-in comment feature allows you to moderate the comments. They also have it search engine optimized ready with their SEO plugins. WordPress also offers more than 70 languages you can choose from. They feature easy installation and upgrades and importers for easy transfer. And, they give you the freedom to use WordPress in any way you please.


WordPress is free software, ready to download and use. But, you won’t be able to get a live website without spending on other factors. First, you’ll have to get a domain name. Then, you’ll pay for the hosting. Next is you’ve got to choose if you’ll have the free theme or you’ll pay to have the pre-made themes. If you want to have extra functionality to your website, you can go for the plugins. There are free and premium plugins you can choose from and prices vary. And lastly, for a safe and secure website, you have to have security. You don’t want to be vulnerable to hackers and viruses, right? Some security plugins are free and need regular updates for good security practices.

Note: The pricing and features are current and are subject to change. Displayed prices are for yearly subscriptions, paid in full at the time of purchase.

Getting Help

For nonprofits, websites are a bit of a challenge to create but very helpful once created. So, you’ll definitely need a website builder that offers customizable templates. It is a plus if the platform has drag-and-drop characteristics. It does not only save you money, but it simplifies the work compared to developing from nothing.

But, if website development seems to be not your thing, there’s no need to worry your head about it. Nonprofit Websites can help you with website design and development. We’ll build your website according to your budget and requirements. We’ll use the WordPress content management system. Request for Quotation now and we’ll create your website according to your desire.

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Nonprofit Websites

Website Designer and Developer for Nonprofit Organizations